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Behavioural Science Toolkit

This toolkit provides information about behavioural science and how it can be applied in an agricultural context. Learn about the theories underpinning behavioural economics, how they have been applied in the Riskwi$e program, and find links to useful resources and seminar series for further learning.

What is behavioural science?

Behavioural science is the study of human behaviour to understand how and why people make decisions. It is particularly useful for developing effective interventions for behaviour change. 


Behavioural economics focusses on how psychological biases and cognitive limitations influence decision-making under uncertainty. It recognizes that people may deviate from purely rational decision-making due to emotional and cognitive factors.

Farmer in Wheat Field
Wheat Plant_edited.jpg

Some factors that influence decision making and risk perception

Heuristics / Rules of Thumb

In situations where precise calculations are difficult, people often rely on simplified decision rules based on their experience, intuition, or general guidelines.  It is a mental shortcut that reduces time and cognitive load.

Following the herd

The phenomenon of individuals deciding to follow others and imitating group behaviours rather than deciding independently and on the basis of their own research and analysis.


​​An inclination or prejudice for or against an idea, object, group, or individual.  It is often learned and is highly dependent on a range of variables.

Farmer in Wheat Field
Combine Harvester on Field

How can behavioural science help improve decision making in Agriculture?

The RiskWi$e behavioural science program aims to better understand and improve grower decision making processes, build knowledge and capacity in behavioural science with stakeholders, and track behaviour change over the course of RiskWi$e.


Our team will also apply the behavioural insights to: â€‹


  • raise awareness of potential biases and flaws in decision making.

  • explain strategies that can help avoid those problems.


  • conduct new studies to understand particular risks, such as price risk when selling grain.

  • identify useful tools for improving risk management in agriculture.

  • develop and identify resources for grower groups to enable impactful delivery of extension and research.

Research & engagement

Focus Group Discussions


100-grower panel


Literature Review


Analysis & Insights



Awareness Raising outputs

Training opportunities




​Fact Sheets and Industry Notes


Pannell Discussions 






tools & templates

Protocol for capturing behaviour data


Template for recording data


Monitoring & Evaluation Framework


Decision Tools Database​


Most Significant Change Story Tool

Pannell Discussions

Seminars from our experts 

Measuring Farmer Risk Aversion and its Effect on Perceived Crop Yield Distributions (Delivered by Prof Scott Swinton, 16th Feb 2024, UWA).

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