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Pannell Discussions releases a RiskWi$e Series on 'Risk in Agriculture' for the grains industry

Updated: Jun 19, 2024

Professor David Pannell has initiated a series of Pannell Discussions about risk in agriculture, with a focus on risks that affect the performance of the farm business.

These informative and thought-provoking blog posts are targeted at grain farmers, advisors, extension officers, partners of RiskWi$e, and anyone based in grower groups or networks and rural organisations interested in improving decision making that accounts for risk in the Australian grains industry.

Please help us promote this blog series to grain growers and grain grower groups by circulating this promotional flyer: RISK IN AGRICULTURE

Here are the current topics:

Alternatively, you can check out the Pannell Discussions website to learn more about it:

This Pannell Discussions blog series is part of a communication strategy aimed at raising awareness and consideration of behavioural science in farm decision-making and risk management through the GRDC-funded research program known as RiskWi$e (see Media Release or RiskWi$e Behavioural Science Program Flier)

Further Information

Our Centre regular posts news, including publications, seminars, videos, factsheets, Pannell Discussions, and other capacity building activities and resources related to behavioural science and agricultural economics. Subscribe to the CAED Newsletter and follow the CAED LinkedIn page to keep up to date.

Key Contacts for RiskWi$e

A/Prof Fay Rola-Rubzen: 

Prof David Pannell:

For general enquiries contact Tammie Harold at or (08) 6488 5507.


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