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ABC news informs the agricultural industry on Black Solider Fly research at UWA

UWA's industry-funded research grant Closing the loop: Black Soldier Fly technology to convert agricultural waste supports a multi-disciplinary team of researchers to investigate the use of Black Soldier Flies — a non-invasive, non-pest fly species for waste management — to turn livestock manures and other wastes into useful products, such as soil conditioners and fertilisers.

"Converting livestock manures into beneficial end products will not only allow Australia’s livestock industries to ‘close the loop’ on their organic wastes and reduce the associated biosecurity and environmental risks, but will also contribute significantly to improving the sustainability of Australian agriculture" says Project Leader, Associate Professor Marit Kragt.

The research is starting to get some traction in the media. ABC RURAL interviewed key members of the research team to understand the research project and how the results could change the way we manage waste on farms:

This was supported by ABC News who broadcast the story on primetime 7pm news on Saturday 6th November 2021. You can watch the replay on ABC iView (segment is between 18:57: 20:47):

Furthermore, a detailed interview with Senior Researcher, Daniel Kidd, is available on the ABC local radio program Great Southern and South West Rural Report. You can listen to the segment online or via the ABC listen app:

Industry collaborator, Luke Wheat from Future Green Solution, at the trial site with ABC reporter Lucinda Jose.

The project has another 14 months remaining to investigate this emerging technology and disseminate findings to industry. For a quick overview of the project progress to date, read Project Update #1 and Project Update #2.

For more information, contact team member Tammie Harold at


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