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Building resilience of agricultural systems in Timor-Leste

CAED member A/Professor Fay Rola-Rubzen recently travelled to Dili, Timor-Leste to participate and present at the Agricultural Innovations for Communities - Intensified and Diverse Farming Systems for Timor-Leste (AI-Com2) annual meeting.

The AI-Com2 research team is required to attend these annual planning and review meetings in person, where research progress is presented, and a plan the next 12 months of activities is agreed. Fay's presentation was on the preliminary findings from the socio-economic baseline study. After the 2-day workshop, the team participated in a full day field trip.

Led by A/Professor Louise Barton, this ACIAR-funded project aims to improve food security - including labour use efficiency - and resilience of agricultural systems in Timor-Leste to meet the livelihood needs of rural householders, with a focus on the scaling and adoption pathways of technologies and knowledge developed in Al-Com 1.

The research is conducted in-country by AI-Com 2 staff based in Dili.

The UWA led project has several research partners, including Monash University, The University of the Sunshine Coast, and The Timor-Leste Ministry for Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Forestry.


More Information

Key Contacts

To discuss socio-economic component of this project, contact Fay Rola-Rubzen at

To discuss the overall project and the various components, contact Louise Barton at


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