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RiskWi$e Update - our Decision Support Tools database has now been released

Our centre is currently leading the behavioural science component of the GRDC-funded RiskWi$e Program. Through this program, one of the key deliverables is to identify useful decision support tools for improving risk management in agriculture.

Over the past 12 months, our team has been working with industry experts to compile a set of decision support tools relevant for Australian grain farmers for farm, business, and price risk management and decision-making. More than 200 decision support tools were collected and assessed for inclusion.

“Each tool was evaluated based on its usability, suitability for decision-making by Australian grain farmers, availability, currency, presence of risk, and other relevant factors” says Project Leader, Associate Professor Fay Rola-Rubzen.

Currently, around 60 decision support tools (DST) have been consolidated into an accessible excel-based database for the RiskWi$e participants. Based on feedback from our stakeholders, the DST database has been classified into recommended tools that can be used under the various RiskWi$e themes, including tools for:

·       Farm management decisions

·       Nitrogen management decisions

·       Farm investment and financial decisions

·       Agronomic decisions

·       Natural resource capital decisions (including GHG and carbon calculation

The DST database has now been distributed to the RiskWi$e stakeholders, which include grain growers, grain grower groups, farm advisors, agricultural researchers, and industry partners from across the country, including WA, SA, QLD, NSW and VIC.

It is freely accessible from our website should any of our stakeholders wish to download a copy. You just need to register your details so we can track the number of downloads and provide you with updated versions of the database as they become available.


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