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Our research is published in scientific journals, books and conference proceedings. We also deliver commissioned reports and tools for our industry partners.

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Journal Articles

The following list is a selection of journal articles from the centre staff in the last 5 years. There are many more journal articles published by our staff prior to this. If you are looking for a particular journal article or output, please search the UWA Research Repository or contact us for help.



  • Saha, S., Alam, M. J., Al Abbasi, A. A., Begum, I. A., & Rola-Rubzen, M. F. (2025). Shifting Landscape of Rural Transformation in Bangladesh: Exploring the Interplay of Non-Farm GDP, Infrastructure and Education. Asia and the Pacific Policy Studies, 12(1), Article e70011. Link.


  • d'Abbadie, C., Kingwell, R., Vercoe, P., Plunkett, B., & Peggs, A. (2024). Heavy steers and heifers run at low stocking rates enhance drought resilience in a pastoral region of Australia. Agricultural Systems, 218, Article 103993. Link.

  • d’Abbadie, C., Kharel, S., Kingwell, R., & Abadi Ghadim, A. (2024). Should crop sequences in Western Australia include more lupins? Crop and Pasture Science, 75(1), Article CP23110. Link.

  • Al Abbasi, A.A., Saha, S., Begum, I.A., Rola-Rubzen, M.F., McKenzie, A.M., and Alam, M.J. (2024). Does rural transformation affect rural income inequality? Insights from cross-district panel data analysis in Bangladesh. Heliyon 10(9), 1- 16. Link.

  • Al Abbasi, A. A., Alam, M. J., Saha, S., Begum, I. A., & Rola-Rubzen, M. F. (2024). Impact of rural transformation on rural income and poverty for sustainable development in Bangladesh: A moments-quantile regression with fixed-effects models Approach. Sustainable Development. Advance online publication. Link. 

  • Adenle, A.A., De Steur, H., Mwongera, C., Rola-Rubzen, F., et al. (2024). Global UN 2030 agenda: How can Science, Technology and Innovation accelerate the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals for All? PLOS Sustainability and Transformation 3(2). Link.

  • Adhikari, S.P., Timsina, K.P., Rola-Rubzen, M.F., Timsina, J., Brown, P.R., Ghimire, Y.N. and Magar, D.B.T. (2024). Determinants of conservation agriculture-based sustainable intensification technology adoption in smallholder farming systems: Empirical evidence from Nepal. Journal of Agriculture and Environment for International Development 118(1): 31-50. Link.

  • Doughty, K. H., Middleton, J. A., Salini, M. J., Kragt, M. E., Partridge, J. C., Hemmi, J. M., & Martin, B. C. (2024). Food for thought: Valuable bioproduction pathways emerge in a circular food production model. Cleaner and Circular Bioeconomy, 9, Article 100102. Link.

  • Ho, P. T., Burton, M., Hailu, A., & Ma, C. (2024). Transient and Persistent Technical Efficiencies in Rice Farming: A Generalized True Random-Effects Model Approach. Econometrics, 12(3), Article 23. Link.

  • Kharel, S., d’Abbadie, C., Abadi Ghadim, A., Gazey, C., & Kingwell, R. (2024). Liming acidic soils creates profits, land use options but often more emissions. Crop and Pasture Science, 75(10), Article CP24227. Link.

  • Magar, D.B.T., Pandit, R. and Rola-Rubzen, M.F. (2024). Drivers of Overseas Labour Migration, Migration Intensity, and Destination Choice among Farming Households in Nepal. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. Link.  

  • Mburu, M. N., Mburu, J., Nyikal, R., Mugera, A., & Ndambi, A. (2024). Assessment of socio-economic determinants and impacts of climate-smart feeding practices in the Kenyan dairy sector. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 29(5), Article 32. Link.

  • Mburu, M., Mburu, J., Nyikal, R., Mugera, A., & Ndambi, A. (2024). Role of agricultural extension in learning for uptake and intensification of less-practiced dairy climate-smart practices in Kenya. Cogent Food and Agriculture, 10(1), Article 2330182. Link

  • Mitchell, E., Takeda, N., Grace, L., Grace, P., Day, K., Ahmadi, S., Badgery, W., Cowie, A., Simmons, A., Eckard, R., Harrison, M. T., Parton, W., Wilson, B., Orgill, S., Viscarra Rossel, R. A., Pannell, D., Stanley, P., Deane, F., & Rowlings, D. (2024). Making soil carbon credits work for climate change mitigation. Carbon Management, 15(1), Article 2430780.  Link.

  • Nyarindo, W. N., Mugera, A., Hailu, A., & Obare, G. A. (2024). Do combined sustainable agricultural intensification practices improve smallholder farmers welfare? Evidence from eastern and western Kenya. Agricultural Economics (United Kingdom), 55(2), 296-312. Link.

  • Paz, B., Hailu, A., Rola-Rubzen, M. F., & Rashid, M. M. (2024). Conservation agriculture-based sustainable intensification improves technical efficiency in Northern Bangladesh: The case of Rangpur. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 68(1), 125-145. Link.

  • Rola-Rubzen, M.F., Alam, M.J., Sarmiento, J.M., and Begum, I.A., Abbasi, A.A. and Saha, S. (2024). Are Gender inclusiveness and rural transformation interlinked: The case of Bangladesh. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 23(6), 2112-2126. Link.​

  • Sarmiento, J. M., Rola-Rubzen, M. F., Fogarty, J., & Digal, L. N. (2024). Smallholder Inclusion Through Cooperative Contract Farming of Cavendish Banana Farmers in Davao del Norte, Philippines: A Meta-Frontier Analysis. Agribusiness. Advance online publication. Link.

  • Sheikh, A. T., Hailu, A., Mugera, A., Pandit, R., & Davies, S. (2024). Soil quality evaluation for irrigated agroecological zones of Punjab, Pakistan: The Luenberger indicator approach. Agricultural Economics (United Kingdom), 55(3), 531-553. Link.​

  • Sheikh, A.T., Chaudhary, A.K., Mufti, S., Davies, S. and Rola-Rubzen, M.F. (2024). Soil fertility in mixed crop-livestock farming systems of Punjab, Pakistan: The role of institutional factors and sustainable land management practices. Agricultural Systems, 218, 1-12. Link.

  • Vuong, H., Pannell, D., Schilizzi, S., & Burton, M. (2024). Vietnamese consumers' willingness to pay for improved food safety for vegetables and pork. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 68(4), 948-972. Link.

  • Wang, W., Yang, Z., Gu, X., Mugera, A., & Yin, N. (2024). How Farm Machinery Rental Services and Off-Farm Work Affect Household Income in China. Agriculture (Switzerland), 14(10), Article 1672. Link.

  • West, S. C., Mugera, A. W., & Kingwell, R. S. (2024). The impact of repayment obligations arising as a by-product of input use on partial inefficiency: Evidence from Western Australian farm businesses. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 68(3), 678-700. Link.

  • West, S. C., Mugera, A. W., & Kingwell, R. S. (2024). What drives the overall technical efficiency of farm businesses in the Wheatbelt of Western Australia? Analysis of persistent and transient efficiencies in the presence of firm effects. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics. Link.

  • Xie, Z., Game, E. T., Phinn, S. R., Adams, M. P., Bayarjargal, Y., Pannell, D. J., Purevbaatar, G., Baldangombo, B., Hobbs, R. J., Yao, J., & McDonald-Madden, E. (2024). A scalable big data approach for remotely tracking rangeland conditions. Communications Earth and Environment, 5(1), Article 349. Link

  • Young, M., Young, J., Kingwell, R., & Vercoe, P. (2024). Identifying high-value tactical livestock decisions on a mixed enterprise farm in a variable environment. Animal Production Science, 64(7), Article AN23407. Link.

  • Young, M., Young, J., Kingwell, R. S., & Vercoe, PE. (2024). Representing weather-year variation in whole-farm optimisation models: Four-stage single-sequence vs eight-stage multi-sequence. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 68(1), 44-59. Link​.


  • Cooper, B., Crase, L., Burton, M. et al. (2023). Survey data on preferences and attitudes towards participatory irrigation management in India and Pakistan. Sci Data 10, 152. Link

  • Cooper, B., Crase, L., Burton, M., Rigby, D., Alam, M.J. & Kishore, A. (2023). Policy preferences of experts seeking to raise and stabilise farm incomes in the Eastern Gangetic Plains. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 00, 1– 23. Available from: Link

  • Gebbels, J. N., Kragt, M. E., & Vercoe, P. E. (2023). Twinning in cattle: a pathway for reducing the methane intensity of beef. Animal Production Science, 63(13), 1340-1348. Link.

  • Keesstra, S.D., Veraart, J., Verhagen, J., Visser, S.M., Kragt, M.E., Linderhof, V., Appelman, W.A.J., van den Bert, J. Deolu-ajayi , A. & Groot, A. (2023). Nature-based solutions as building blocks for the transition towards sustainable climate-resilient food systems, Sustainability, 15(5): 4475. Link.

  • Kragt, M. E., Dempster, F., & Subroy, V. (2023). Black soldier fly fertilisers by bioconversion of livestock waste: Farmers’ perceptions and willingness-to-pay. Journal of Cleaner Production, 411, Article 137271. Link

  • Martinus, K., Pauli, N., & Kragt, M. (2023). Key Policy Interventions to Limit Infectious Disease Emergence and Spread. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 11, Article 1128831. Link.

  • Meier, E., Thorburn, P., Biggs, J., Palmer, J., Dumbrell, N. & Kragt, M. (2023). Using machine learning with case studies to identify practices that reduce greenhouse gas emissions across Australian grain production regions, Agronomy for Sustainable Development, accepted for publication 16/02/2023.

  • Petersen, E. H., Scanlan, C. A., Burton, M. P., Oliver, Y. M., Murphy, D. V., & Hoyle, F. C. (2023). Agronomic factors are the dominant influence on nitrogen fertilizer strategies in dryland cropping systems. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 43(1), [14]. Link.

  • Rola-Rubzen, M.F., Vuong, H.T., Doll, C., Rollins, C., Sarmiento, J.M., Alam, M.J., and Begum, I.A.(2023). Gender and Rural Transformation: A Systematic Literature Review. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 22(12), 3624–3637. Link.


  • Brown, P. R., Anwar, M., Hossain, M. S., Islam, R., Siddquie, M. N. E. A., Rashid, M. M., Datt, R., Kumar, R., Kumar, S., Pradhan, K., Das, K. K., Dhar, T., Bhattacharya, P. M., Sapkota, B., Thapa Magar, D. B., Adhikari, S. P., Rola-Rubzen, M. F., Murray-Prior, R., Cummins, J., ... Tiwari, T. P. (2022). Application of innovation platforms to catalyse adoption of conservation agriculture practices in South Asia. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 20(4), 497-520. Link.

  • Chaudhary, A. K., Pandit, R. & Burton, M. (2022). Farmyard manure use and adoption of agricultural mechanization among smallholders in the Mahottari District, Nepal. World Development Perspectives. 25, 100394. Link.

  • Farruk, M.U.,  Bashir, M.K., Rola-Rubzen, M.F. and Ahmad, A. (2022). Dynamic effects of urbanization, governance, and worker's remittance on multidimensional food security: An application of a broad-spectrum approach. Online 4 August 2022. Link.

  • Gebbels, J. N., Kragt, M. E., Thomas, D. T., & Vercoe, P. E. (2022). Improving productivity reduces methane intensity but increases the net emissions of sheepmeat and wool enterprises. Animal, 16(4). 100490. Link.

  • Kharel, S., d'Abbadie, C., Abadi, A., & Kingwell, R. (2022). Reducing farming system emissions via spatial application of payoff functions. Agricultural Systems, 203, [103534]. Link.

  • Li, F., Zhang, J., & Ma, C. (2022). Does family life cycle influence farm households’ adoption decisions concerning sustainable agricultural technology? Journal of Applied Economics, 25(1), 121-144 Link.

  • Oumer, A. M., Mugera, A., Burton, M. & Hailu, A. (2022).  Technical efficiency and firm heterogeneity in stochastic frontier models: application to smallholder maize farms in Ethiopia Journal of Productivity Analysis. 57, 2, p. 213-241 29 p. Link.

  • Pannell, D.J. & Rogers, A.A. (2022). Agriculture and the environment: Policy approaches in Australia and New Zealand, Review of Environmental Economics and Policy 2022 16:1, 126-145. Link.

  • Po, M., Pannell, D. J., Walker, I., Dempster, F., Tapsuwan, S., Mendham, D. S., Hardiyanto, E. B., Wibisono, G., & Oktalina, S. N. (2022). Influence of intrinsic and extrinsic factors on farmer decisions to adopt acacia best management practices in Gunungkidul, Indonesia. Agroforestry Systems, 96(8), 1103-1119. Link.

  • Polyakov, M., & White, B. (2022). What is the least cost policy mix for nitrogen and phosphorous abatement in a rapidly urbanizing catchment? Water Resources and Economics, 39, [100208]. Link.

  • Sheikh, A.T., Mugera, A., Pandit, R., Burton, M. & Davies, S. (2022). What determines the time to gypsum adoption to remediate irrigated salt-affected agricultural lands? Evidence from Punjab, Pakistan. Soil and Tillage Research, 217, art. no. 105266. Link.

  • Sheikh, A. T., Mugera, A., Pandit, R., Burton, M., & Davies, S. (2022). The adoption of laser land leveler technology and its impact on groundwater use by irrigated farmland in Punjab, Pakistan. Land Degradation & Development, 1–13. Link.

  • Tang, K., & Ma, C. (2022). The cost-effectiveness of agricultural greenhouse gas reduction under diverse carbon policies in China. China Agricultural Economic Review, 14(4), 758-773. Link.

  • Tirkaso, W., & Hailu, A. (2022). Does neighborhood matter? Spatial proximity and farmers’ technical efficiency. Agricultural Economics (United Kingdom), 53(3), 374-386. Link.

  • Trong Ho, P., Burton, M., Ma, C., & Hailu, A. (2022). Quantifying heterogeneity, heteroscedasticity and publication bias effects on technical efficiency estimates of rice farming: A meta-regression analysis. Journal of Agricultural Economics, 73(2), 580-597. Link.

  • West, S. C., Mugera, A. W., & Kingwell, R. S. (2022). The choice of efficiency benchmarking metric in evaluating firm productivity and viability. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 57(2), 193-211. Link.

  • Young, M., Vercoe, P. E., & Kingwell, R. S. (2022). Optimal sheep stocking rates for broad-acre farm businesses in Western Australia: A review. Animal Production Science. Link.


  • Brown, J., Burton, M., Davis, K. J., Iftekhar, M. S., Olsen, S. B., Simmons, B. A., Strange, N., & Wilson, K. A. (2021). Heterogeneity in Preferences for Nonfinancial Incentives to Engage Landholders in Native Vegetation Management. Land Economics, 97(2). Link.

  • Brown, P.R., Anwar,M., Hossain, M.S, Islam, R., Siddquie, M.N., Rashid, M.M., Datt, R., Kumar, R., Kumar, S., Pradhan, K., Das, K. K., Dhar, T., Bhattacharya, P.M., Sapkota, B., Magar, D.B.T., Adhikari, S.P., Rola-Rubzen, M.F. Murray-Prior, R., Cummins, J., Maharjan, S., Gathala, M.K., Brown, B.K., Tiwari, T. P. (2021). Application of Innovation Platforms to catalyse adoption of conservation agriculture practices in South Asia, International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability. Link.

  • Chaudhary, A.K., Pandit, R. & Burton, M. (2021) Effect of socioeconomic and institutional factors and sustainable land management practices on soil fertility in smallholder farms in the Mahottari District, Nepal. Land Degradation and Development. Link.

  • Dempster, F, Davies, S, Gazey, C, Pia Piggott, P & Kragt, M (2021). Will regenerative agriculture disrupt industry practice? Farm Policy Journal, Australian Farm Institute.. Link.

  • Dixon, J.M., Weerahewa, J. Hellin, J., Rola-Rubzen, M.F., Huang, J., Kumar, S., Das, A., Qureshi, M.E., Krupnik, T.J., Shideed, K., Jat, M.L., Prasad, V., Yadav, S., Irshad, A., Asanaliev, A., Abugalieva, A., Karimov, A., Bhattarai, B., Balgos, C.Q., Benu, F., Ehara, H., Pant, J., Sarmiento, J.M.P, Newby, J.C., Pretty, J., Tokuda, H., Weyerhaeuser, H., Digal, L.N., Li, L., Sarkar, M.A.R., Abedin, M.Z., Pepijn Schreinemachers, P., Grafton, Q., Sharma, R.C., Saidzoda, S., Lopez-Ridaura, S., Coffey, S., Kam, S.P., Win, S.S., Praneetvatakul, S., Maraseni, T., Touch, V., Liang, W., Saharawat, Y.S., Timsina, J. (2021). Response and resilience of Asian agrifood systems to COVID-19: An assessment across twenty-five countries and four regional farming and food systems, Agricultural Systems 193 (October), Link.

  • Gathala, M.K., Laing, A., Tiwari, T.P., Timsina, J., Rola-Rubzen, M.F., Islam, S., Maharjan, S., Brown, P., Das, K.K., Pradhan, K., Chowhudry, A., Kumar, R., Datt, R., Anwar, M., Hossain, S., Kumar, U., Adhikari, S., Magar, D.T., Sapkota, B.K., Shrestha, H.K., Islam, R., Rashid, M., Hossain, I., Hossain, A., Brown, B. and Gerard, B. (2021). Can Conservation Agriculture-based Sustainable Intensification Increase the Income of Smallholder Farmers in the Eastern Gangetic Plains? A Field-level Economic Analysis, World Development, 138 (Feb) Link.

  • Gathala, M. K., Laing, A. M., Tiwari, T. P., Timsina, J., Rola-Rubzen, F., Islam, S., Maharjan, S., Brown, P. R., Das, K. K., Pradhan, K., Chowdhury, A. K., Kumar, R., Datt, R., Anwar, M., Hossain, S., Kumar, U., Adhikari, S., Magar, D. B. T., Sapkota, B. K., ... Gerard, B. (2021). Improving smallholder farmers’ gross margins and labor-use efficiency across a range of cropping systems in the Eastern Gangetic Plains. World Development, 138, [105266]. Link

  • Ghimire, Y.N., Timsina, K.P. Adhikari, S.P., Shrestha, K.P., Gairhe, S., Acharya, Y, Devkota, D., Upadhyay, N., Kharel, M., Poudel, H., Murray-Prior, R.M. and Rola-Rubzen, M.F. (2021). Behavioural science principles for scaling-up zero tillage wheat and maize in the Eastern Terai region of Nepal, Journal of Agriculture and Natural Resources 4(2), 316-326, Link.

  • Kingwell, R. (2021). Agriculture’s carbon neutral challenge: The case of Western Australia. The Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 65(3), 566-595. Link.

  • Kingwell, R. (2021). Making agriculture carbon neutral amid a changing climate: The case of south-western australia. Land, 10(11), [1259]. Link.

  • Kragt, M.E., Burton, R., Zahl-Thanem, A. and Otte, P.P. (2021). Farmers’ interest in crowdfunding to finance climate change mitigation practices, Journal of Cleaner Production. 321, 128967. Link.

  • Magar, D.B.T., Pun, S., Pandit, R. and Rola-Rubzen, M.F. (2021). Pathways for building resilience and revitalizing the Nepalese agriculture in a COVID-19-affected world, Agricultural Systems, 187 (Feb). Link.

  • Montes de Oca Munguia, O., Pannell, D.J. and Llewellyn, R. (2021). Understanding the adoption of innovations in agriculture: A review of selected conceptual models, Agronomy 11, 139. Link.

  • Montes de Oca Munguia, O., Pannell, D.J., Llewellyn, R. and Stahlmann-Brown, P. (2021). Adoption pathway analysis: Representing the dynamics and diversity of adoption for agricultural practices, Agricultural Systems 191, 103173.

  • Powell, J.W., Welsh, J.M., Pannell, D. and Kingwell, R. (2021). Factors influencing Australian sugarcane irrigators’ adoption of solar photovoltaic systems for water pumping, Cleaner Engineering and Technology Volume 4, October 2021, 100248. Link.

  • Thapa Magar, D. B., Pun, S., Pandit, R., & Rola-Rubzen, M. F. (2021). Pathways for building resilience to COVID-19 pandemic and revitalizing the Nepalese agriculture sector. Agricultural Systems, 187, [103022]. Link.

  • Shoghi Kalkhorana, S., Pannell, D., White, B., Polyakov, M., Chalak Haghighi, M., Amin Mugera and Farre, I. (2021). A Dynamic Model of Optimal Lime Applications for Wheat Production in Australia, Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 65(2), 472-490. Link.

  • Snow, V., Rodriguez, D., Dynes, R., Kaye-Blake, W., Mallawaarachchi, T., Zydenbos, S., Cong, L., ObadovicI, I., Agnew, R., Amery, N., Bell, L., Benson, C., Clinton, P., Dreccer, F., Dunningham, A., Gleeson, M., Harrison, M., Hayward, A., Holzworth, D., Johnstone, P., Meinke, H., Mitter, N., Mugera, A., Pannell, D., Prada e Silva, L., Roura, E., Siddharth, P., Kadambot, S., and Stevens, D. (2021). Resilience achieved via multiple compensating subsystems: the immediate impacts of COVID-19 control measures on the agri-food systems of Australia and New Zealand, Agricultural Systems 187, 103025.  Link.

  • Trong Ho, P., Burton, M., Ma, C. & Hailu, A. (2021). Quantifying heterogeneity, heteroscedasticity and publication bias effects on technical efficiency estimates of rice farming: A meta-regression analysis. Journal of Agricultural Economics. Link.

  • Walsh, A. and Kingwell, R (2021). The Future of Glyphosate in Australian Agriculture? Australasian Agribusiness Review 2021, Volume 29, Paper 4. ISSN: 2209-6612. Link

  • West, S. C., Mugera, A. W., & Kingwell, R. S. (2021). Drivers of farm business capital structure and its speed of adjustment: evidence from Western Australia’s Wheatbelt. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 65(2), 391-412. Link

  • Yang, Z., Yin, N., Mugera, A. W., & Wang, Y. (2021). Impact of multiple soil conservation practices on rice yields and chemical fertiliser use in China. China Agricultural Economic Review, 13(4), 851-871. Link


  • Adenle, A.A., Chertow, M.R., Moors, E.H.M. and Pannell, D.J. (eds) (2020). Science, Technology and Innovation for Sustainable Development Goals: Insights from Agriculture, Health, Environment and Energy, Oxford University Press, New York, 567.

  • Burton, M.Cooper, B.Crase, L. (2020). Analyzing irrigation farmers' preferences for local governance using a discrete choice experiment in India and Pakistan, Water (Switzerland) 12(6), 1821. Link.

  • Dayaram, K., Rola-Rubzen, M.F. (2020). Does Economic Prosperity Translate to Regional Youth Employment Outcomes?, Labour & Industry: a journal of the social and economic relations of work 30(3), 216-232. Link.

  • Farrukh, M.U., Bashir, M.K., Rola-Rubzen, M.F. (2020). Exploring the Sustainable Food Security Approach in Relation to Agricultural and Multi-sectoral Interventions: A Review of Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives, Geoforum 108 (Jan) 23-27. Link.

  • Gschwandtner, A.Burton, M.(2020) Comparing treatments to reduce hypothetical bias in choice experiments regarding organic food European Review of Agricultural Economics 47(3), pp. 1302-1337. Link.

  • Hone, S., Crase, L., Burton, M., Cooper, B., Gandhi, V.P., Ashfaq, M., Lashari, B., Ahmad, B. (2020). Farmer cooperation in participatory irrigation in south Asia: Insights from game theory (2020) Water (Switzerland), 12 (5), art. no. 1329. Link.

  • Kingwell, R., & Carter, C. (2020). Application of Choice Modeling for Understanding Wheat User Preferences in Southeast Asia. Cereal Foods World, 65(4). Link.

  • Kingwell, Loxton & Mardaneh (2020). Factors and scenarios affecting a farmer’s grain harvest logistics. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 64: 244–265. Link.

  • Montes de Oca Munguia, Pannell & Llewellyn (2020). Is it the model or is it the process of using it? Extension officers evaluate ADOPT as a tool to assist planning in the pastoral sector. Rural Extension and Innovation Systems Journal 16(1): 13. Link.

  • Oumer, A., Burton,M., Hailu,A., Mugera,A. (2020). Sustainable agricultural intensification practices and cost efficiency in smallholder maize farms: Evidence from Ethiopia Agricultural Economics 51(6):841-856. Link.

  • Pannell, D.J. and Zilberman, D. (2020). Understanding adoption of innovations and behavior change to improve agricultural policy. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 42(1), 3-7. Link.

  • Pannell, D.J. and Claassen, R. (2020). The roles of adoption and behavior change in agricultural policy, Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 42(1), 31-41. Link.

  • Rola‐Rubzen, M. F., Paris, T., Hawkins, J., & Sapkota, B. (2020). Improving Gender Participation in Agricultural Technology Adoption in Asia: From Rhetoric to Practical Action. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 42(1), 113-125. Link

  • Sharma, G. P., Pandit, R., White, B., & Polyakov, M. (2020). The income diversification strategies of smallholders in the hills of Nepal. Development Policy Review, 38(6), 804-825. Link.

  • Shoghi Kalkhoran, S., Pannell, D., White, B., Polyakov, M. and Thamo, T. (2020). Optimal lime rates for soil acidity mitigation: impacts of crop choice and nitrogen fertilizer in Western Australia, Crop and Pasture Science 71(1) 36-46. Link.

  • Streletskaya, Bell, Kecinski, Li, Banerjee, Palm-Forster & Pannell (2020). Agriculture adoption and behavioral economics: bridging the gap. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 42(1): 54-66.

  • Young, Kingwell, Young & Vercoe (2020). An economic analysis of sheep flock structures for mixed enterprise Australian farm businesses. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 60: 1–23.

  • Zhang, D., Li, Q., Mugera, A. W., & Ling, L. (2020). A hybrid model considering cointegration for interval-valued pork price forecasting in China. Journal of Forecasting, 39(8), 1324-1341


  • Imran, Ali, Ashfaq, Hassan, Culas &Ma (2019). Impact of climate smart agriculture (CSA) through sustainable irrigation management on resource use efficiency: A sustainable production alternative for cotton. Land Use Policy 88

  • Kragt, Lynch, Llewellyn & Umberger (2019). What farmer types are most likely to adopt joint venture farm business structures? Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 63(4): 881-896

  • Pannell, D.J., Gandorfer, M. and Weersink, A. (2019). How flat is flat? Measuring payoff functions and the implications for site-specific crop management, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 162, 459-465.

  • Pham, H.D., Crase, L., Burton, M., Cooper, B. (2019). Strategies for integrating farmers into modern vegetable supply chains in Vietnam: farmer attitudes and willingness to pay. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 63(2): 265-281. Link.

  • Powell, J.W., Welsh, J.M., Pannell, D., Kingwell, R. (2019). Can applying renewable energy for Australian sugarcane irrigation reduce energy cost and environmental impacts? A case study approach, Journal of Cleaner Production 240, Article number 118177.

  • Shoghi Kalkhoran, S., Pannell, D., White, B., Polyakov, M. and Thamo, T. (2019). Soil acidity, lime application, nitrogen fertility, and greenhouse gas emissions: optimizing their joint economic management, Agricultural Systems 176, 102684.

  • Thamo, T., Addai, D., Kragt, M.E., Kingwell, R., Pannell, D.J., and Robertson, M.J. (2019). Climate change reduces the mitigation obtainable from sequestration in an Australian farming system, Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 63, 841-865.

  • Van Grieken, M., Webster, A., Whitten, S., Poggio, M., Roebeling, P., Bohnet, I. and Pannell, D. (2019). Adoption of agricultural management for Great Barrier Reef water quality improvement in heterogeneous farming communities, Agricultural Systems 170, 1-8.

  • Puga, Fogarty, Hailu & Gennari (2019). Modeling grape price dynamics in Mendoza: Lessons for policymakers. Journal of Wine Economics, 14(4): 343-355.

  • Shoghi Kalkhoran, Pannell, White, Polyakov & Thamo (2019). Soil acidity, lime application, nitrogen fertility, and greenhouse gas emissions: optimizing their joint economic management. Agricultural Systems 176, 102684.

  • Thamo, Addai, Kragt, Kingwell, Pannell & Robertson (2019) Climate change reduces the mitigation obtainable from sequestration in an Australian farming system. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 63: 841–865.


Books  & Chapters


  • Kingwell, R. (2022). Sustainability Challenges in Agriculture and Food Production, Chapter 4. In (Eds: M. John and J. Segalas) Education for a Sustainable Future - Critical content, concepts and context, Taylor Francis.


  • Darbas, T., Brown, P., Das, K.K., Datt, R., Kumar, R. Pradhan, K. and Rola-Rubzen, M.F. (2020). The Feminisation of Agriculture on the Eastern Gangetic Plains: Implications for Rural Development, Chapter 6. In (Eds S. Lall, N. Kumar and K. Sinha-Kerkhoff) Bihar: Crossing Boundaries, Primus Books, Delhi (ISBN: 978-93-90022-28-1).

  • Dixon, J., Rola-Rubzen, M.F., Timsina, J., Cummins, J. and Tiwari, T.P (2020).  Socioeconomic Impacts of Conservation Agriculture based Sustainable Intensification (CASI) with particular reference to South Asia. In (Eds Dang Y.P., Dalal R.C., Menzies N.W.) No-till Farming Systems for Sustainable Agriculture, pp377-394, Springer, Cham. (ISBN: 978-3-030-46408-0 (print); 978-3-030-46409-7 (online). Link.

  • Rola-Rubzen, Villano, Brito & Hardaker (2020). Adoption of Integrated Crop Management Technology for Poverty Reduction and Food Security: The Case of Smallholder Rice Production in Timor Leste. In (eds Adenle, Chertow, Moors & Pannell) Science, Technology, and Innovation for Sustainable Development Goals: Insights from Agriculture, Health, Environment, and Energy. Oxford University Press, New York (ISBN: 9780190949518).


  • Kingwell, R., Rice, A., Pratley, J., Mayfield, A. and van Rees, H. (2019) Farms and farmers – conservation agriculture amid a changing farm sector. In (Eds. J Pratley and J Kirkegaard) “Australian Agriculture in 2020: From Conservation To Automation” pp33-46 (Agronomy Australia and Charles Sturt University: Wagga Wagga).

  • Paris, T. and Rola-Rubzen, M.F. (eds.) (2019). Gender Dimension of Climate Change Research in Agriculture: Case Studies in Southeast Asia, Southeast Asian Research Centre for Agriculture (SEARCA) and International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Los Banos, Philippines. Link.

  • Paris, T. and Rola-Rubzen, M.F. (2019). Gender Dimension of Climate Change Research for Agriculture in Southeast Asia: An Introduction. In (Eds. T. Paris and M.F. Rola-Rubzen, M.F. ) Gender Dimension of Climate Change Research in Agriculture: Case Studies in Southeast Asia, Southeast Asian Research Centre for Agriculture (SEARCA) and International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Los Banos, Philippines. Link.


  • Ansell, D., Gibson, F. L., & Salt, D. (2016). Introduction: Framing the agri-environment. In D. Ansell, F. Gibson, & D. Salt (Eds.), Learning from agri-environment schemes in Australia: Investing in biodiversity and other ecosystem services on farms (pp. 1-15). ANU E Press.

  • Gibson, F. L., & Pannell, D. J. (2016). What a difference a metric makes: Strong (and weak) metrics for agri-environment schemes. In D. Ansell, F. Gibson, & D. Salt (Eds.), Learning from agri-environment schemes in Australia: Investing in biodiversity and other ecosystem services on farms (pp. 219-228). ANU E Press.

Books & Chapters



  • Dempster, F., Subroy, V., Harold, T., & Kragt, M. (2022). Market potential for black solider fly fertiliser products. The University of Western Australia. Link.

  • Tascon, A., Dempster, F., Kragt, M. (2021). Spatial Analysis of Farm Animal Waste in Australia. University of Western Australia.  The University of Western Australia. Link.


  • Brown, P.R., Darbas, T., Kishore, A., Rola-Rubzen, M.F., Murray-Prior, R., Anwar, M.M., Hossain, M.S., Siddquie, M.N.E., Islam, R., Rashid, M., Datt, R., Kumar, U., Pradhan, K., Das, K.K., Dhar, T., Bhattacharya, P.M., Chowdhury, A.K., Ghosh, A., Sapkota, B., Magar, D.B.T., Adhikari, S., Pokharel, D., Sugden, F. Saikia, P., de Silva, S., Maskey, N., Maharjan, S., Gathala, M. and Tiwari, T.P. (2020).  Implications of conservation agriculture–based sustainable intensification technologies for scaling and policy: Synthesis of SRFSI phase 1 socio-economic studies (2012–17), ACIAR Technical Report 93, Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, Canberra.

  • Martinus, K., Pauli, N., Heyworth, J., & Kragt, M. (2020). Land use stewardship interventions to prevent the emergence of pandemics. The University of Western Australia. Link.

  • Martinus, K., Pauli, N., Gunawardena, A., & Kragt, M. (2020). Humans as hosts, vectors and agents of environmental change. The University of Western Australia. Link.


  • Elliott, P., Kingwell, R. and Carter, C. (2019) The growing consumption of bread and baked goods in Indonesia. AEGIC Industry Report. Link.

  • Kingwell, R., Elliott, P., Cowman, S., Carter, C and White, P. (2019) The Indonesian noodle market: its importance to Australian wheat exports. Link.

  • Kingwell, R., Parra Loza, M. and Akbari, S. (2019) Structural Change in South Australia’s Grains Industry, AEGIC Industry Report.

  • Kingwell, R. (2019) Australia’s grain outlook 2030. AEGIC Industry Report. Link

  • Kragt, M., & Nery de Figueiredo, T. (2019). Estimating the economic benefits from weather radar investments in the Western Australian wheatbelt. The University of Western Australia. Link.

  • White, P., Carter, C., Kingwell, R., Cowman, S. and Elliott, P. (2019) Wheat and barley markets in Vietnam: Their strategic importance to Australia. AEGIC Industry Report, June 2019. Link.

  • Wilkinson, I., White, P., Carter, C., Kingwell, R. and Cowman, S. (2019) Wheat and barley markets in the Philippines: Opportunities for Australia. Link.


  • Kingwell, R., Elliott, P., Cowman, S., Carter, C and White, P. (2018) The Indonesian wheat market – its strategic importance to Australia. Link.

  • Kingwell, R. and White, P. (2018) Argentina’s grains industry: Implications for Australia.  Link.

  • Lacoste, M. E., & Kragt, M. E. (2018). Farmers' use of weather & forecast information in the Western Australian wheatbelt. The University of Western Australia. Link.

  • White, P., Carter, C. and Kingwell, R. (2018) Australia’s grain supply chains: Costs, risks and opportunities. Australian Export Grains Innovation Centre, Perth, Western Australia. AEGIC Industry Report. Link.


Conference Papers


  • Kragt, M. (2022). Closing the loop: Using Black Soldier Fly to convert livestock waste into profitable products. Paper presented at TERRAenVISION 2022, Utrecht, Netherlands.


  • Kragt, M.E., Dempster, F., Tascon, A. & Jenkins, S. (2021). Valuing the costs of waste management in the pork industry. 2021 Conference of the Australasian Pig Science Association: APSA, 15-18 Nov 2021, Brisbane Australia.

  • Powell, J. W., Welsh, J. M., Pannell, D., & Kingwell, R. (2021). Factors influencing the adoption of solar photovoltaic systems for water pumping by Australian sugarcane irrigators. 446-448. Paper presented at 42nd Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists Conference 2021, ASSCT 2021, Bundaberg West, Australia.

  • Rola-Rubzen, M.F. (2021). Impact of Conservation Agriculture for Sustainable Intensification (CASI) Technologies among Men and Women Farmers in the Eastern Gangetic Plains. International e-conference on economic transformation, agriculture and rural development (ICETRA), 29-30 Nov 2021, Bogor, Indonesia.

  • Rola-Rubzen, M.F., Vuong, H.T., Doll, C. and Rollins, C. (2021). Gender and Rural transformation: A Systematic Review. International e-conference on economic transformation, agriculture and rural development (ICETRA), 29-30 Nov 2021, Bogor, Indonesia.


  • Asif, M.I., Khan, M.F.U., Rola-Rubzen, M.F., Rashid, M.M., Mojumdar, A.K., Hossain, M.E., Sarker, A.R., Habib, M.F.B., Bakshi, R.K., Banik, B.K., Sarmiento, J.M. and Villano, R. (2020). Insights of Behavioural Economics in the Adoption Decision of Unpudlled Rice in Bangladesh, Paper presented during the Australasian Agricultural & Resource Economics Society Annual Conference in Perth, Western Australia. 10-14 February 2020.

  • Das, K.K., Ghosh, A., Bhattacharya, P.M., Roy, D., Lepcha, A., Chowdhury, A.K., Murray-Prior, R., and Rola-Rubzen, M.F. (2020). Behavioural Insight in CASI Adoption – a study in Coochbehar, India, Paper presented during the Australasian Agricultural & Resource Economics Society Annual Conference in Perth, Western Australia. 10-14 February 2020.

  • Das, K.K., Bhattacharya, P.M., Ghosh, A., Chowdhury, A.K., Rola-Rubzen, M.F. and Brown, B. (2020). Entrepreneurial potential of service providing model—a study in North Bengal economy. Invited Lecture in the South Asian Conference on “Social Enterprise – value and processes” organised by Tata Institute of Social Science at Mumbai, India. 8-10 January 8-10 2020.

  • Rola-Rubzen, M.F., Sarmiento, J.M.P., Hawkins, J., and Murray-Prior, R. (2020), Explaining adoption of CASI technology in the Eastern Gangetic Plains: lessons learned, Paper presented during the Australasian Agricultural & Resource Economics Society Annual Conference in Perth, Western Australia. 10-14 February 2020.

  • Rola-Rubzen, M.F.; Sarmiento, J.M.P.; Murray-Prior, R.; Hawkins, J.; Gathala, M.K.; Das, K.K.; Hossain, S.; Tiwari, T.P.; Adhikari, S.P.; and Rashid, M.M. (2020), Impact of Conservation Agriculture-based Sustainable Intensification Technologies among Men and Women Farmers in the Eastern Gangetic Plains, Paper presented during the Australasian Agricultural & Resource Economics Society Annual Conference in Perth, Western Australia. 10-14 February 2020.

  • Rola-Rubzen, M.F.; Sarmiento, J.M.P.; Hawkins, J.; Murray-Prior, R.; Adhikari, S.P.; Hossain, S.; Rashid, M.M. and Das, K. (2020), Abandonment of Conservation Agriculture Technology after Field Trial: Lessons from the Eastern Gangetic Plains Experience, Paper presented during the Australasian Agricultural & Resource Economics Society Annual Conference in Perth, Western Australia. 10-14 February 2020.

  • Rola-Rubzen, M.F. (2020), Understanding Farm-Household Decision Making for Adopting Productivity Enhancing Technologies, Paper presented at the Mini-Symposium: Where to Next for Applied Economics and Policy Research in Australia's International Development Efforts, Australasian Agricultural & Resource Economics Society Annual Conference in Perth, Western Australia. 10-14 February 2020.


  • Das, K.K., Ghosh, A., Bhattacharya, P.M., Dhar, T., Chowdhury, A., Rola-Rubzen, M.F., Gathala, M. and Tiwari, T.P. (2019), Critical Factors Influencing Conservation Agriculture for Sustainable Intensification – A Case Study of Coochbehar District, West Bengal, India, AARES Conference, 6-9 February, Melbourne.

  • Sarmiento, J.M., Rola-Rubzen, M.F., Fogarty, J.J., Digal, L.N., Ivi Jaquelyn T. Astronomo and Balgos, C.Q. (2019), Contract farming and technical efficiency of export Cavendish banana farmers in Davao del Norte, Philippines, AARES Conference, 6-9 February, Melbourne.


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