Our postgraduate research students
We supervise postgraduate research students undertaking PhD, Masters by Research and Honours projects related to agricultural economics.
Emanuel Gomez
PhD Candidate
The Economics of Traceability for WA Grains Sustainability Credentials
Emanuel Gomez is an Agricultural Economist pursuing a PhD at UWA, looking into the Economics of Traceability Systems aimed at reporting grain Sustainability Credentials in Western Australia.
His research stands at the intersection of agricultural markets and sustainability, aiming to understand market dynamics at both the demand and supply ends to identify opportunities for value creation while adhering to UN SDG goals. Emanuel's research is applied, leveraging his experience in the commodity trading sector. He has just completed a survey study through a collaboration with the Grower Group Alliance in WA, through which he explored growers' perceptions and attitudes towards adopting information-sharing technologies.
Key skills:
Survey design and analysis, Agriculture Market Analysis, Economic Modelling, Benefit: Cost Analysis.
Areas of application:
Agricultural Trade, Technology Adoption, Climate Policy.
GGA SWWA Drought Resilience Innovation and Adoption Hub bursary
GRDC Research Scholarship
Putri Budi Setyowati
PhD Candidate
Rice Farmers’ Resilience to Climate Change in Indonesia: Insights from a Social-Ecological Approach
Research Profile
Putri is a PhD student with research interests focusing on farmers’ behaviour in response to climate change. Primarily focused on farm-level decisions, her current research integrates social and ecological perspectives to strengthen farmers’ resilience and welfare.
Key skills:
Social-Ecological Systems Analysis, Productivity and Efficiency Analysis, Systematic Literature Review, and Survey/Questionnaire Research Design.
Areas of application:
Agricultural Production, Climate Change, and Famers’ Behaviour.
The France Excellence Eiffel Scholarship Program
The Indonesian Education Scholarship Program
Oanh Nguyen
PhD Candidate
Technological Innovations in the Australian Wine Industry: A Study of Augmented Reality Labelling and Customer Relationship Management Platform Adoption
Research Profile
Oanh Nguyen is a PhD candidate at School of Agriculture and Environment at the University of Western Australia. She is currently working on her research topic focused on the adoption of customer management platforms and digital labelling in the Australian wine industry. Oanh’s research interests include innovation, technology adoption and marketing in the agribusiness sector. With 10 years of working experience in agribusiness, she is passionate about studying adoption behaviour and economic perspectives to improve the performance of small and medium-scale businesses, which often face unique challenges and vulnerabilities.
Key skills:
Regression analysis, meta-analysis, structural equation model and choice experiment analysis.
Areas of application:
Agricultural marketing, economic growth, digital label and marketing strategies, sustainable packaging innovation and circular economy for agribusiness firm.
Awardee of Australian Award Scholarship for Master of Global Food and Agricultural Business at the University of Adelaide
Awardee of Australia Award Short Course of Inclusive Leadership for the Mekong Region at Griffith University
Awardee of research grant by Aus4skills for Vietnamese Alumni Agricultural Professional Group
Awardee of Australian Government International Research Training Program, The University of Western Australia
Yadav Padhyoti
PhD Candidate
Understanding barriers to the adoption of efficient market system for agricultural commodities in Australia.
Research Profile
Yadav Padhyoti is an agriculture economist with extensive experience in agriculture policy analysis and evaluations. His research is focused on economic and financial analysis of agribusinesses, agriculture value chain analysis, food and nutrition security, and agriculture policy analysis. He is a PhD researcher with the ARC Behavioural Insights for Technology Adoption (BITA) Project at the UWA. He is looking into the estimation of market inefficiencies in agricultural commodity markets in Australia and understanding the behavioural and other barriers along the market chain of crop and livestock product markets for adopting efficient marketing system.
Key skills:
Policy and project evaluation, project development, project management, questionnaire/survey design, quantitative and qualitative analysis, project development, and research assistance.
Areas of application:
Agriculture marketing system, commodity trading system, technology adoption, behavioural economics, food and nutrition security.
Mahnaz Afsar
PhD Candidate
Developing demand-driven extension strategies to improve adoption of precision agriculture technologies in South-West Western Australia.
Research Profile
Mahnaz is currently a PhD candidate in the UWA School of Agriculture and Environment. Her PhD research focuses on developing demand-driven extension strategies to improve the adoption of precision agriculture technologies in South-West Western Australia. By integrating behavioral insights, Mahnaz aims to enhance farm productivity, profitability, and sustainability in the region.
Before enrolling in the PhD program, she worked as a Senior Lecturer in the department of Agricultural Economics at EXIM Bank Agricultural University, Bangladesh. Her research interests include behavioral economics, food security, women's empowerment, agricultural technology adoption and rural development.
Key skills:
Socio economic analysis, questionnaire/survey design and analysis, food security index, benefit-cost analysis
Areas of application:
Agricultural production and rural development, poverty and food security, women empowerment, adoption and diffusion of innovations, and sustainable farming system.
Scholarship for International Research Fees, The University of Western Australia
ARC Training Centre for Behavioural Insights for Technology Adoption HDR Scholarship
Research grant from British Council
Research grants by Research and Development (R&D) programme of National Science and Technology (NST), Ministry of Science and Technology, Bangladesh.
Research fellowship for MS program in the project of BSERT-IWMI G: 3 Water Governance and Community Based Management’ under CGIAR Challenge Programme on Water and Food (CPWF), Bureau of socioeconomic research and training (BSERT), Bangladesh Agricultural University.
Eshrat Jahan Mahfuza
PhD Candidate
To be confirmed
Research Profile
Ms. Eshrat is a PhD candidate at the UWA School of Agriculture and Environment. In addition, she works as an agricultural economist with expertise in agribusiness, food security, supply networks, entrepreneurship, and agricultural value chains. In Bangladesh, Eshrat has worked on many research and consulting initiatives. She worked as an assistant professor at the Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) before enrolling at UWA as a doctoral student.
Key skills:
Questionnaire/survey design and analysis, data collection, and research associate
Areas of application:
Agricultural Economics, Agribusiness and Marketing, Enterprise and Entrepreneurship, Agricultural Price Analysis, Consumer behaviour, Value Chain Analysis
Prime Minister Gold Medal Award, Bangladesh
University Grants Commission scholarship, Bangladesh
‘National Science and Technology Fellowship’, Ministry of Science and Technology, Bangladesh.
International Tuition Fees Offset Scholarships, The University of Western Australia
Australian Government Research Training Program Stipend Scholarship
Research Grant, Bangladesh Agricultural University
Moran Chen
PhD Candidate
The impact of live streaming on demand for eco-labelled food products in China
Research Profile
Moran is currently a PhD Student in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics at the UWA. Moran obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics at Chongqing Technology and Business University and a master's degree in Applied Statistics at China University of Geosciences (Wuhan). Her research interests in consumer behaviour, and consumers’ preference for eco-labelled food products in e-commerce fields.
Key skills:
Data analysis and research assistance.
Areas of application:
Agricultural Economics; Behavioural Economics; E-commerce.
UWA International Fee Scholarship (University Postgraduate Award)
Mithun Kumar Ghosh
PhD Candidate
Farmers' behavioural adaptation to climate change in achieving net zero emissions in Western Australia.
Research Profile
Mithun Kumar Ghosh is a PhD candidate at the UWA School of Agriculture and Environment, contributing to the ARC Behavioural Insights for Technology Adoption (BITA) Project. His research explores the behavioural determinants influencing Western Australian farmers' adaptation strategies to climate change, with a focus on achieving net zero emissions. The outcomes of his research are expected to guide policymakers, agricultural extension services, and farmers themselves, fostering more sustainable and climate-resilient agricultural practices in the region. Before enrolling at UWA, Mithun served as a senior lecturer in the department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development at EXIM Bank Agricultural University, Bangladesh.
Key skills:
Survey research design, data analysis, project planning, farmers training.
Areas of application:
Sustainable farming systems, climate-resilient agriculture, agricultural extension, adoption and diffusion of innovations
Scholarship for International Research Fees, The University of Western Australia
ARC Training Centre for Behavioural Insights for Technology Adoption HDR Scholarship
Research fund from British Council
Research grants by Research and Development (R&D) programme of National Science and Technology (NST), Ministry of Science and Technology, Bangladesh.
List of our recently completed postrgraduate research students
Sofina Maharjan (PhD, completed 2023)
Title: Measuring productivity and technical efficiency, adoption and impact analysis of laser land leveller in India.
Michael Young (PhD, completed 2023)
Title: Optimal stocking rates for broadacre farm businesses in Western Australia
Dinesh Thapa Magar (PhD, completed 2023)
Title: Overseas Labour Migration: Its Drivers and Impacts on Smallholder Farm-Households in Nepal
Joe Gebbels (PhD, completed 2022)
Title: Strategies for Reducing Emissions and Building the Climate Resilience of Western Australian Agriculture
Bibek Sapkota (PhD, completed 2022)
Title: Farmers' risk perceptions, attitudes and management strategies, and willingness to pay for crop insurance in Nepal.
Thi Hue Vuong (PhD, completed 2021)
Title: Food safety in Vietnam: Perceptions, behaviours, economics and policy
Janine Powell (PhD, completed 2021)
Title: Can innovative energy and storage solutions reduce the cost of energy and reduce the carbon footprint of irrigators in the Australian Sugar industry?
Bruno Paz (Masters, completed 2020)
Title: Adoption of Conservation Agriculture-based Sustainable Intensification (CASI) in the Eastern Gangetic Plains.